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09.08.2008 Minutes
                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
                302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125
September 8, 2008 Regular Meeting

1.      Call to order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the regular meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Commission to order at       7:05 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
        Ray Collins, Chairman
        Dick Goduti
        Ross Byrne
        Jim Mitchell, Deputy Harbor Master, Dock Master
        Earl Endrich, Harbor Master
        Peter Frederickson arrived at 7:45

3.      Citizens with Business before the Commission
Jean Slane, an Old Saybrook resident spoke regarding the Sheffield Street Dock and the congestion because of the crabbers and fishing, lack of respect, no room for boaters, garbage left behind.

Dick Goduti spoke about the two-prong problem. Parking is not working out. The dock is not big enough for the number of people using the dock. Dick distributed a copy of the current ordinance which allows crabbing and fishing to Old Saybrook residents. There are carts on the dock, and so many people that -boaters cannot get down the dock. Young children are running around on the dock.

Motion- Ray Collins moved to create a policy of the Harbor Commission that the Sheffield Street dock be posted "No trespassing Old Saybrook residents and boat owners only, Dick Goduti seconded
3-0-0 motion approved unanimously

Jim Mitchell to order and install the sign

Michael Maikowski came and explained he had a heart attack and has been delayed in getting his boat in the water. He will send a letter for the file.
Edson Bourne came with concerns about the sign that was installed by the clothesline area that says "no parking midnight to 5 am". The sign will be corrected to say by sticker parking only. Jim Mitchell will tape over the incorrect lettering on the sign until the new sign is available.

4.      Minutes of the August 2008 meeting

Motion - Dick Goduti moved to table the review of the August minutes until the next meeting, Ross Byrne seconded.
3-0-0 motion approved

5.      North Cove

Dredging update - Ray Collins updated everybody on the dredge. The Army Corp has notified the Commission that the Army Corp has received a bidder under the $ 4.5 million dollar price. There will be no dredging in October but probably in November and December.
NOTE_ since the meeting on the 8th the Chairman has advised that mooring will need to be out of the harbor by October 14, 2008. A letter will be sent to all mooring holders.

50% requests
Ron Moley sent a 50 request due to health problems.

Motion - Ross Byrne moved to approve Mr. Moley's request for an exemption for 2008, Ray Collins seconded
2-1-0 motion approved, Dick Goduti opposed

Attendance updates for the 50%; Grover, Waanders and Tkaczuk have not met the 50%.

Table the vessel requirements for North Cove until we know the depth that the harbor is dredged to. The original requirements it was 45 feet, 6 foot draft 150 moorings, Currently 33 foot 3.5 draft.

Consensus of the commission is to send the contracts out at old fee and explain in the cover letter that a supplemental bill may be sent in November if the town votes to raise the fees. Failure to pay the supplemental bill will put moorings at risk.

6.      Ferry Road Dock
Ross Byrne set up a meeting with McDonald Sharpe and with Michael Cronin and Selectman Pease. Attorney Cronin will send letter to engineers. Pease will have Board of Selectmen to authorize expenditure for finalizing engineering plans and Bill Pease to authorize the signing of any required papers. Ross has not heard back from Attorney Cronin. Ray Collins asked Ross to continue to follow up and Ray will also try and follow up.   

7.      Harbor Master Report
The Harbor Master continues to receive call asking where transients can spend an evening. He refers them to Jim Mitchell.
8.      Dock Master Report
Dick Goduti and Jim Mitchell have been leaving notes for dinghies stored on the rack to make the owners compliant with the requirement that the owner's name be on the stern.

Jim Mitchell said there are jet skis down at Saybrook Manor that are on Danforth anchors only. It is an ongoing problem. These folks are only renting for short windows of time and do not want to bother with a mooring permit. However, mooring permits are required by state statute and an unattended boat on an anchor overnight becomes a boat on a mooring.

9.      Correspondence
8/23/08 Letter from North Cove Road resident, Richard Mazzella regarding people who are not using their poles was read into the minutes. The Commission created a policy at their May meeting; however, out haul permit holders have not yet been advised of the policy. It will be enforced next year. The clerk will respond to Mr. Mazzella.

The Dzialo Picket and Allen invoice for the FOI hearing was distributed to Commission members. Ray Collins believes the town is going to pay the bill. Ray will confirm with Mr. Pace.

10.     New Business
Docko permit request, Pompea property River Edge Road.
Discussion regarding boat lifts.

Motion- Ross Byrne moved to send letter to DEP saying we have no objection, Peter Fredrickson seconded
3-1- 0 motion approved Dick Goduti opposed

11.     Old Business
I       agement Plan - no update

12.     Approval of Bills
Postage- $126
Clerk- $ 300
Olson- $ 166

Motion - Ross Byrne moved to pay the submitted invoices, Pete Fredrickson seconded
4-0-0 motion approved.

Motion- Dick Goduti moved to give clerk a 3% raise, paid out the Harbor Management Fund Ray Collins seconded.
4-0-0 motion approved

13.     Adjournment

        Motion - Ross Byrne moved to adjourn at 8:20 p.m.

        Respectfully submitted,

        Ruth Hockert